If Shakespeare Were Alive Today

R not Julia the Ruby of the realm?
Go hither and think not upon Ada,
Whose Basic baseness is not worthy a Boo,
C to it sharply and bring Clojure Forth,
Dart away now to her awaiting arms,
As her love for you awaits in the Eiffel tower of her heart,
Like an Elixir to her suffering,
Be not a Hack, a Python in the weeds, but be instead Groovy,
Woo her with Java,
Be Lithe, speak Lucid and without a Lisp,
Utter not a bovine Moo from thy lips,
Instead may an Opal be upon thy tongue,
Your Prolog Swift,
Your Smalltalk small,
Scheme little, for honesty is the Unicorn
upon which no Rust will form.

Spinning 3D Box with BeagleBoneBlack and L3G4200D Gyro


Got a fun little project working this weekend.  I wired up an L3G4200D gyroscope module to a BeagleBoneBlack, wrote the Python code to read the sensor data and send it over using RabbitMQ to a C# app on Windows displaying a 3D box.  Now when I rotate the BeagleBoneBlack, the cube mirrors my movements!

Full article will be posted on Code Project in the next week.